Plan for Results

Plan for Results is a short-cycle approach to achieving agreement about the long term priorities and near term action plans of integration, and committing these agreements to a timeline to be managed collaboratively in the months ahead.

Plan for Results is designed deliberately to engage employees and managers at all levels of both companies, linking the strategic decisions of the executives to the critical work of integration. The principles of Plan for Results include:

  • Joint effort of employees and executives in both companies
  • Intentionally engages employees at multiple levels
  • Built on the foundation of the executive team’s priorities as laid out in their deal strategy and milestone timeline
  • Integration leaders define the major initiatives required to achieve the deal vision and the week-to-week actions required to achieve the first milestones, together with resource and support requirements
  • Executive team and integration leaders meet frequently to discuss, adjust and agree on plans
  • Elapsed time is short – two to four weeks